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Tender For supply of book bank list 3 - elements of x ray diffraction , concepts of genetics ,microeconomics , research methods in social sciences ,data structures using c , problem solving and programdesign in c , cryptography and network security principlesand practice , computer networks , modern operatingsystems , introduction to automata theory languages andcomputation , event management , basics of eventmanagement , communication systems , electronics circuitanalysis and design , principles of electromagnetics ,computer system architecture , computer organization andarchitecture , design and analysis of computer algorithms ,python for programmers , fundamentals of databasesystem , artificial intelligence a modern approach ,introduction to machine learning , inorganic chemistry principles of structure and reactivity , postcolonialliterature an introduction , contemporary literary andcultural theory from structuralism to ecocriticism ,elements of the theory of computation , modern digital andanalog communication , organic chemistry , electronicdevices and circuit theory , wireless communicationprinciples and practice , marketing management , materialscience and engineering , quantum mechanics , genetics ,digital fundamentals , learning and teaching , financialadministration in india , basic accounting , complexvariables theory and applications , communication systemengineering , engineering circuit analysis , datacommunications and networking , digital logic andcomputer design
Tender For tender for supply of digital e resources medical education 16 minimum - cbme curriculum based comprehensive digital teaching & self-learning e-resource for ug medical education. , cbme curriculum based digital teaching & training resources for certifiable skills , system administrative dashboard (control panel) , learning management system for each department and access for all the teachers with their individual teaching id , a comprehensive self-learning assessment tool for medical students with test prep. , the e-medical journals package full-text database of biomedical & health journals , essential clinical e-books subscription with unlimited , anytime access , a single comprehensive search bar services for conducting in-depth search across all subscribed e-resources. , single authentication system , web-based content management system (cms) , global infectious disease and epidemiology network database , digital medical illustrations , animations , interactive media database , anti-plagrisum software (25 licenses ) the anti-plagrisum software with grammar & spell check option , onsite back-end support through a technical expert (2 persons) , teacher training and implementation program of e-resources (30 days) , back end server for data storage
Tender For providing learning equipments to the glps mallapura kghps kondapuraghps m gangalapuraglps ashraya colony sovenahalliglps mallara hallighps gollalingammanahallighps sri ramashetty halliglps vittala nagaraglps ranajithpuraghps dharmapuraghps narayanapuraglps s.halli gollara hattighps urdu doulathpurglps r gollara hatti of 14 schools in various villages of sandur taluk ballari dist - africa political large, asia political large, australia politica large, europe political large, indiapolitical large, north america political large01, south america political large, world political large, asia, disaster management charts, hill ranges &rivers, india, maps of india, wildlife sanctuaries & national parks, world, conventialsigns01, directions how to find them, earth quake, phases of the moon, seasons, sunplanets01, solar & lunar eclipse, types of clouds01, water cycle in nature, air noise pollution, airpollution(efects &remedies)01, changing face of the earth, flora & fauna 01, man and environment, volcano, weather maps of india, apparatusday&nightga06, phases of the moon ga05, indian civilization charts set of 10, model sof geographical terms code gt015 to gt20s, struggle for indian freedom set of 15, birth of earth & evolution, constitution of india, means of transport, flags of all nations, solar system model electrically operated, yogasana chart, projection screen oa01 with folding tripod stand, miracast portable led projector with 720 p native and 1080 p support screen mirroing upto 150 invh display
Tender For supply of full range spectroradiometer , thermal camera (with infrared thermometer) , rice miller , rice husker , cut section model of tractor , reference text books , subscription of scientific journals , full rage spectroradiometer , thermal camera , cut section model of tractor , rice miller , rice husker , prescotts microbiology 12th ed , soil microbiology 5th ed , essence of horticulture , instant horticulture 22th , shaping the future of horticulture , elixir of horticulture vol 1 fruit science -for competitive exam , objective horticulture 3rd ed , nta icar aieea pg fruit science preparation book , objective olericulture 3rd ed , nihzesa floriculture 2nd ed , standard methods of biochemical analysis , measurement and control in food processing , programming arduino getting started with sketches , programming the raspberry pi 3rd ed , getting started with python-electronic 3rd ed , deep learning core concepts methods and applications , deep learning , digital image processing 4th ed , electronic devices and circuit theory , horticultural nematology , competitive nematology , plant nematology , advanced plant nematology , the handbook of mites of stored products , entomopathogenic nematodes as biological control agents , conservation of dragonflies sentinels for freshwater conservation , biological control-lobal impacts challenges and future directions of pest management , a textbook of tuber crops , advances in plant breeding strategies vegetable crops , vegetable breeding principles and practices , vegetable breeding-all volumes , genetics and breeding of vegetable crops 3rd ed , acceerated plant breeding, volume 2 vegetable crops , protected cultivation of horticultural crops , biochemistry and molecular biology of plants 2nd ed. , lehinger principles of biochemistry , biotechnology expanding horizons 3rd ed. , a manual of practical entomology 3rd ed. , bane of pesticides in india , pesticide application equipment for use in agriculture vol. 1 , insects photographic guide for identification , trends in horticultural entomology , insects as service providers , breeding field crops , breeding field crops - i , breeding field crops - ii , objective agricultural microbiology , a handbook of elementary microbiology , thermodynamics-an engineering approach , fundamentals of engineering thermodynamics , everybody loves a good drought , behind the beautiful forevers- life death and hope in a mumbai undercity , a feast of vultures-the hidden business of democracy in india , regarding the pain of others , season of migration to the north , a river dies of thirst , good economics for hard times , never let me go , crime and punishment , hiroshima-a new edition with a final chapter written forty years after the explosion , nothing to envy- ordinary lives in north korea , the bluest eye , gunahon ka devta , the house of the spirits , a brief book on extension education , comprehensive and competitive extension , a textbook of extension landscape , a comprehensive guide on adult and continuing education and extension , a treasure trove of extension education , adult continuing and extension education at a glance , handbook of agricultural extension , handbook of extension education , instant extension education , question bank in extension education , diffusion of innovations , dynamics of extension education , agricultural extension achievements and challenges , agricultural extension for rural development , agricultural extension systems , agricultural schemes at a glance , agri-tech startup-preparation and execution , analytical methods in social sciences research , building self reliant india through techno rich extension system in agriculture and allied sectors , digital technologies in agriculture , doubling farmers income through appropriate agricultural technologies and extension approaches , gender and agriculture-an indian perspective , gender sensitization development perspectives , glimpses of agricultural extension , a
Tender For supply of books - biomineralization , biological invasions in changing ecosystems volume 3 , gene prediction applying ontology and machine learning volume iii , genetically engineered organisms environmental and economic risk assessment , natural products in chemical biology , butterfly wing patterns and mimicry , behavioral ecology of primates , animal reproduction handbook , invertebrate zoology an introduction , mammalogy , handbook of endangered species , encyclopedia of entomology volume iii , becoming a professional makeup artist , the essential guide for becoming a chef , becoming a personal assistant a complete career guide , essentials of inventory management , customer relationship management , handbook of tourism and travel behavior , tourism hotel management and hospitality , encyclopedia of tourism industrial strategies , handbook of geotourism and geoheritage , nuclear tourism , emerging trends in tourist destination management , leisure and tourism economics , refugees and migrants international affairs , human rights and the international law of military operations , public administration concepts and practices in switzerland , sociocultural heritage of russia an ethnography case study , social exclusion a comprehensive study of older people , gendered crossings women and migration , the psychology of peace global perspectives on children and adolescents , psychology of shame interdisciplinary perspectives , subjectivity theory and practice , introduction to health psychology , neuroscience and behavioral health , psychology the science of mind and behavior , global civil society issues challenges and solutions , united nations peace operations , the role of digital tools and technologies in european democracy , portuguese emigration , political science from theory to practice , european citizenship , constitutionalism and democratic governance a global overview , handbook of political psychology , fundamentals of acoustics volume 2 , quantum dynamics from theory to applications , relativity the special and the general theory , fundamentals of acoustics volume 1 , encyclopedia of quantum mechanics volume 3 selected applications , handbook of acoustic emission , handbook of engineering heat transfer , microgravity a new tool for space experiments , advances in mathematical physics , physical education and sport , sport and exercise psychology , physical education and sport a psychological perspective , essentials of exercise and sports medicine , psychological aspects of physical education and sport , philosophy elements and theories , understanding world religions , hinduism traditions and divinity , introduction to mythology , drug discovery research a comprehensive overview , resistance diagnostic and therapeutic applications of drugs in cancer , drug delivery science and technology , brain function augmentation brainmachine interfaces , breast cancer innovations in research and management , cardiovascular system physiology and disease mechanisms , clinical gastrointestinal endoscopy , colorectal cancer diagnosis and clinical management , computational modeling of the human body and brain , current research in brain function augmentation , current research in herbal medicine , new insights into tribology , composite materials for aircraft structures , the metrology handbook , concepts and applications of thermal engineering , recent advancements in space flight , textbook of mechanical engineering , international arbitration law and practice , disability law and policy , understanding gender crime and justice , emerging issues in sustainable development international law and policy , cybercrime and digital forensics , a study of grammatical gender , posthumanist themes in graphic novels , understanding turkish american literature , information structuring from a crosslinguistic perspective , media and communication techniques and technologies , media and mass communication in a digital age , astronomy and cos